Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's finally the weekend!!!

Now that I am mostly awake, I see that it is another beautiful day with the sun shining high in the sky.  I want so bad to start laying out in the sun, but I have so much to do today.  So instead, I get to go back on my diet (which I always hate), but it needs to be done.  Because I need to lose my weight pretty fast, it's going to be a long day of exercise and pain for me.

I also get to walk the dogs today.  That in it's own is going to take a long time, because I not only have the 7 dogs to walk, but some have never walked on a leash before!  I can't do that during the day, though, because they are scared of people.  With it being so nice out, I know all the neighbors are going to be out having parties and BBQs today.

Instead, I think I'll clean and do the laundry in between the diet and exercise.  I might even have a date today, but who knows what the day will bring!  Of course, though, I'm going to try to get my nap and hopefully make some money on the side.  This is going to be a wonderful, interesting day.  Starting with the fact of starting this blog!

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